[Battlemesh] GNU/Linux NetworkManager integration and GUI for olsrd

Hans-Christoph Steiner hans at guardianproject.info
Sat Mar 2 05:38:09 CET 2013

Here's something I hope people can hammer on at the Battlemesh!  I won't be
able to make this one, but perhaps the next!

The Commotion Mesh Applet and associated nm-dispatcher-olsrd module for
NetworkManager let you easily associate to an OLSR mesh connection on a
GNU/Linux machine with wifi and NetworkManager running. The profiles are the
same format as the MethTether profile, and the nm-dispatcher-olsrd Ubuntu
packages I created include a profile for
commotionwireless.net/02:ca:ff:ee:ba:be/channel 5.  So if you are within range
of another commotionwireless.net node, you should just be able to install
nm-dispatcher-olsrd, click commotionwireless.net in the NetworkManager wifi
browser panel applet, then have working OLSR mesh!

Here are the Ubuntu packages:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:guardianproject/commotion
  (fingerprint: F50E ADDD 2234 F563)
sudo apt-get install commotion-mesh-applet


And here is the code:

The core nm-dispatcher-olsrd script uses the very simple 'dispatcher' script
API to launch a python script in respond to network changes (interface
up/down), then that python script talks to NetworkManager
over dbus to get the whole picture. It then parses any profiles that are in
/etc/nm-dispatcher-olsrd and if a new wifi connection matches one of the
profiles, it sets up olsrd properly.

Included in the package is a profile for the network 'commotionwireless.net',
but you can easily add your own by putting the files into
/etc/nm-dispatcher-olsrd. For more on the Commotion Mesh Profile format:


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