[Battlemesh] Linksys promises not to block free firmware

Henning Rogge hrogge at gmail.com
Sat May 14 10:30:42 CEST 2016


what we need is a good suggestion for an API between PHY and Linklayer
for a Softmac that can run a minimal firmware in the "PHY" to prevent
the user from overriding channel assignments and switching off radar
evasion by accident (e.g. driver has to signal every second if radar
events are false positives).

If we can design an API like this we can show the WIFI manufacturers
that they could build CHEAPER (less complex!) chips while still being
compliant to FCC and EU rules.

Henning Rogge

On Sat, May 14, 2016 at 10:00 AM, Ferry Huberts <mailings at hupie.com> wrote:
> Yes: it's twofold:
> 1- big fines for people violating the 'do not send while radar is in
> operation'
> 2- big fat notifications and/or documentation in the software and/or UI that
> disabling radar detection violates law and opens you up for big fines.
> keep it simple.
> On 14/05/16 07:01, Mitar wrote:
>> Hi!
>> The best way to win is to go for a solution which works for both
>> fighting parties. Do we know of such a solution?
>> Mitar
>>> <IMHO>We should *not* work around these regulations but fight it. Tell
>>> your political representatives what you do and why you need to be able
>>> to run your "own" software on these devices.</IMHO> This is how I
>>> understood Max in the telco during WBM.
>>> kind regards
>>> txt.file
>>> On 14/05/16 03:37, Mitar wrote:
>>>> Hi!
>>>>> are you looking for a technical solution to a technical problem? or
>>>>> trying to find a technical solution for a fear?
>>>> Oh, I completely agree that it is stupid, but this fact will not get us
>>>> anywhere. We have to create a solution ourselves and start pitching it
>>>> as the solution manufacturers should adopt, and this is it.
>>>> I am also not claiming that no firmware ever. But let's make firmware
>>>> where it is at least as hard to disable that detection as it is on
>>>> current locked TP-links: so you need JTAG to bypass it.
>>>> So, do we have a solution which protects from disabling that detection
>>>> with hardware tampering of the table?
>>>> Mitar
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> Ferry Huberts
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