Hi guys,<br><br>Been browsing through the pics of all the fun you guys have had in Spain and been pouring through the data :)...and feeling bummed that we couldn't make it :(<br><br>As promised we're looking seriously (and keeping dough aside :) ) to make it for v5 at Finowfurt, Germany. In fact to avail of the best deals we'd like to book our<br>
air tickets early. Erle would be flying in from Aus (possibly with other folks) whereas I'd be coming down from India. <br><br>The dates that're mentioned on the site suggest the conference would be from 10-14 august, finowfurt, should we consider those dates and the location as final?<br>
or is there a likelihood that these could change?<br><br>Any other info you think would be relevant for us to plan our trip would be sincerely appreciated.<br><br>Thanks guys :)<br><br>Bye for now<br>