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Hi everyone,<br>
in order to promote the event to its maximum potential and in order
to get the best possible outcome, I thought it would be cool to
expand a little the description of the event.<br>
First of all, I would like to brainstorm about the battlemesh
potential and what would be the best possible outcome to see if we
have a similar vision.<br>
The Battlemesh community is on of the most beautiful, exciting and
skilled community I came across in my short life.<br>
Most of the participants are <b>very</b> skilled in their own
field, seriously. Dynamic routing protocol developers, OpenWRT
developers, wireless community networkers, free and open source
sofware developers and advocates, network engineers, web developers,
In this event we have the people who are driving the open source
development in the field of open wireless networking.<br>
A coordinated effort by this group of people can have great impact,
and infact is already having a significant impact.<br>
<b>Goals and desired outcome<br>
</b>The battlemesh event description cites routing protocol testing
and "competition", a positive competition with a social character.
This was the original spirit and goal of the event.<br>
In the following years, it became also a place where to discuss
about community networks, software dedicated to ease the
construction, deployment and management of a wireless network,
research projects, innovative ideas and so on.<br>
But the stated goal has remained the same, routing protocol testing
to see which protocol perform best in certain situations.<br>
Is that the only outcome desired for this event?<br>
Or do we also want to express our desire to make an event where
people with a common dream, a dream of open communications for all,
can meet and coordinate their efforts toward this common goal? <br>
So another (additionally to routing protocol testing) possible
outcome would be to foster the growth of communities, open hardware
and software that work toward the creation of a new global
communication infrastructure, the kind of infrastructure dreamed in
the wireless common manifesto (
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<a href="http://www.wirelesscommons.org/">http://www.wirelesscommons.org/</a>)
which many of us are working hard to build.<br>
Adding this kind of explicit statement in the event description
would be a recognition of what the event really is today, hence
attracting more of the kind of people who are interested not only in
routing protocol testing, but also in the people, hardware and
software tools dedicated to open networks.<br>
Some people for example, might be interested in talking about their
new project, KORUZA, funkfeuer nodeDB, or the new developments of
their existing projects.<br>
Some other people from new community networks might be interested in
meeting people of existing and mature community networks to learn
something from them.<br>
Some others might want to come because they have an idea for a
possible research project or crowdfunding intiative, or whatever.<br>
All these things already happened in the previous years.<br>
It's a small detail which many of us feel obvious and natural, but
it might have a certain impact on how newcomers perceive the
Sorry for this long email and thank to those who read it all.<br>
I hope to have expressed my point clearly and hope to hear your