<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div>Dear All,<br><br></div>I am Alagunambi Welkin, a volunteer of Free Software Movement of India. As part of our National Conference, which is going is scheduled at December. We have an agenda to demonstrate mesh network among three southern cities(Chennai, Banglore & Hyderbad) of India, as an alternate to current setup, which is against Net Neutrality. We have started experimenting by dedicating few of our volunteers at Pondycherry, as far as now, we have played around by implementing i2p, cjdns, olsrd.<br><br></div>It would be great if I can meet each community from various geographical location to share their initial phase of setting up community and current scenario, so that I can document it and present it back to our volunteers. Looking forward to meet you all. <br><br>-- <br><div><div dir="ltr"><span>Alagunambi Welkin<div>Executive Committee Member,</div><div>Free Software Foundation Tamil Nadu,</div><div>part of Free Software Movement of India.<br></div><div><a href="http://www.fsftn.org" target="_blank">www.fsftn.org</a> | @FSFTamilnadu<br>