[ninux-dev] Fwd: Re: LEDE/ OpenWrt Configuration and Management System

Nemesis nemesis at ninux.org
Mon May 29 10:02:53 CEST 2017

C'è un progetto di Freifunk analogo a OpenWISP.


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Subject: Re: LEDE/ OpenWrt Configuration and Management System
Date: Wed, 24 May 2017 18:08:58 +0200
From: Julius Schulz-Zander <julius at inet.tu-berlin.de>
To: Nemesis <nemesis at ninux.org>, Johannes Wegener <mail at johanneswegener.de>
CC: gsoc-mentors-2017 at freifunk.net

Hi Federico,

sorry for the late reply. We’ve started some time ago with a similar
project, which is called OpenWiFi.

OpenWiFi is a modular configuration management system which allows to
attach different features such as “Location Detection”, which can e.g.
leverage the location detection API from Google.

Are you coming to the Wireless Community Weekend or Battlemesh in Vienna?

Indeed, it would be great if we can reuse modules etc. in both systems
and maybe have similar abstractions and interfaces for the modules.
Thus, I would suggest that we do a skype call in the next couple of days.

Johannes (in CC) is mainly working on the system and will do a GSoC this
year. He will give a demo during the WCW and prepared a blog post for
GSoC here:

Best regards,

> On 13 Mar 2017, at 11:50, Nemesis <nemesis at ninux.org> wrote:
> Hi Julius and everyone,
> a few people noticed this very interesting idea:
> https://wiki.freifunk.net/Ideas#LEDE.2F_OpenWrt_Configuration_and_Management_System
> I have implemented a similar system in OpenWISP 2 and I wanted to let
> you know about its existence, the similarities and the differences with
> the GSoC idea.
> The OpenWISP 2 controller is a web app built in python which is composed
> of several modules, the most important one is a python library called
> "netjsonconfig" http://netjsonconfig.openwisp.org/, which takes NetJSON
> DeviceConfiguration as input, and returns an OpenWRT/LEDE configuration
> as output.
> There's a short video demonstration here:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MY097Y2cPQ0&index=2&list=PLPueLZei9c8_DEYgC5StOcR5bCAcQVfR8
> OpenWISP 2 is focused on the configuration part, so it has a web UI to
> configure openwrt devices or through templates and a way to know if the
> configuration is working (running), not applied yet (modified) or
> returned an error (error) and devices usually automatically register
> into the system.
> There's quite a few things in the GSOC idea that openwisp 2 doesn't do.
> Some of those ideas are on our roadmap and will be built separate
> modules that will be focused on monitoring (like a way to collect and
> display information about connected users).
> I wanted to let you know about this work I have done, also because it
> took me a great deal of effort and something like 1 and half year of
> coding before getting something that works well enough.
> Considering all this effort I have put to build just part of the
> features that are listed in this idea, I hardly imagine a student, which
> usually is a beginner, pulling off all these features in 3 months.
> In case you don't want to start from zero, the OpenWISP 2 modules are
> licensed under the GPLv3, some of them may be reused and extended, these
> are the main modules you may be interested in:
> - https://github.com/openwisp/django-netjsonconfig
> - https://github.com/openwisp/netjsonconfig
> And of course I would gladly help you in doing so.
> Best regards
> Federico

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