[Nodeshot] External GeoRSS layer configuration?

Nemesis nemesis at ninux.org
Wed Jun 11 13:04:03 CEST 2014

On 06/11/2014 11:09 AM, Finn Herzfeld wrote:
> Ahh yes! I sorta-kinda got it to work. The configuration you specified
> was giving errors when I tried to synchronize, so I ended up using
> this one:
> {
>     "map": {
>         "name": "OwnerName",
>         "description": "Details"
>     },
>     "url": "http://meshwith.me/nyc.geo.json"
> }

Great! Sorry for the little mistake, I don't always remember everything
correctly :-)
But you managed to get it right!

> I put the proper GeoJSON up there obviously, and as you saw I filed a
> bug with NodeAtlas about their GeoJSON not actually being GeoJSON. I
> would like to get some sort of hook system so that they can tell us
> when they have a new node and have it either run the synchronize
> command, or just have the new node data sent to us.

You can set up the celery-beat schedule to run the synchronizer
periodically, it will automatically detect changes (added nodes, changed
nodes, deleted nodes) and apply them, more info here:
(look for CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE section)

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