[Nodeshot] Nodeshot Open311 extensions

Nemesis nemesis at ninux.org
Tue Jan 27 18:52:48 CET 2015

Hi Matthias,

I'm adding in cc the nodeshot mailing list, as another developer who
contributed to this part can read too.

On 01/26/2015 06:30 PM, Matthias Meißer wrote:
> this is Matthias, I work on the municipality of the city of Rostock and
> we are currently planning to migrate our citizen participation platform
> www.klarschiff-hro.de to open311. As our platform already implements
> features that open311/citySDK doesn't (voting, commenting, ...) I'm
> curious to learn about the way how nodeshot realized an mapping of this
> features towards open311 compability?

Check this out:

Scroll to bottom, see:
POST /api/v1/open311/requests.json

vote, rate and comment are possible service codes.

then additional parameters allow to post values, I just checked and for
the moment the additional parameters are:

  * vote, which can be 1 or -1, for vote (like/dislike)
  * value, which can be from 1 to 10 (rating)
  * text (comment)

You are the first to ask us this question.

If it comes out there is a better, more canonical way to do it, let us know.

> I already asked at the offical
> mailinglist, but just had some hints about previous approaches to add
> such extensions to the standard:
> http://lists.open311.org/groups/discuss/messages/topic/335KpgemvOn4u7hehC6hK7/

Oh I'm not following that ML, I'll try to follow up.

> P.S. I'm also participating at our local wireless community called
> www.opennet-initiative.org :-)

The link http://www.opennet-initiative.org/ doesn't seem to work, but
i'm curious to know more about this project, could you send us the
correct link?

Do you know the Wireless Battle of the Mesh?
The next edition is going to happen in Slovenia:
Many of us are going!

> regards from the baltic sea,
> Matthias Meißer

Best regards
Federico Capoano
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