[ninux-not-wireless] Schaller On Why The "Year Of The Linux Desktop" Hasn't Happened

Germano Massullo germano.massullo at gmail.com
Tue Dec 19 19:07:00 CET 2017

Un articolo di blog su un argomento trito e ritrito, ma ho avuto piacere
a leggerne una nuova analisi aggiornata ai tempi odierni

[Descrizione articolo su Phoronix] [*]

Longtime Fedora/GNOME developer Christian Schaller who leads the desktop
engineering team at Red Hat recently commented on some bold Linux/tech
predictions for 2018. He's now also shared his personal opinion on why
"the year of the Linux desktop" has yet to materialize.

Christian believes that holding back to the Linux desktop fron
conquering has been the fragmented market, the lack of specialized and
big name applications being natively available, Linux not having a
stable API/ABI, Apple's resurgence on the desktop, Microsoft being
aggressive, Canonical's business model not working out, ODM support
lacking, and more. Christian remains optimistic though that in the
future we could still see Linux conquer the desktop. Red Hat from their
side will continue investing in RHEL Workstation.

[URL articolo]


[*]: da Phoronix

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