[Ninux-Verona] Fwd: [lime-dev] git repos explanation

Ilario Gelmetti ilario.gelmetti at sns.it
Wed Aug 13 18:54:24 CEST 2014

Ciao gente!
Vi inoltro questa mail piuttosto complicata il cui succo è:
ora fare debugging del firmware libre-mesh sarà più semplice.
Il firmware libre-mesh da installare sulle antenne si può scaricare da qui:
oppure compilare usando lo strumento lime-build, come spiegato qui (ho
appena scritto questa pagina, se ci sono errori o cose che non capite

-------- Messaggio originale --------
Oggetto: [lime-dev] git repos explanation
Data: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 20:43:33 -0300
Mittente: Gui Iribarren <gui at altermundi.net>
Rispondi-a: libre-mesh developement <dev at lists.libre-mesh.org>
A: libre-mesh developement <dev at lists.libre-mesh.org>

This is a braindump while i'm trying to understand the whole mess of
repos and feeds, in addition to lime-build and such, looking forward to
having a libre-mesh release codenamed "bigbang", and the steps we need
in order to do that.

the objective is to have a "snapshot" of everything, so that cloning
lime-build release and running make, will produce the same binary, at
any future time, no matter what happens with 3rd party repos.

 * https://github.com/libre-mesh/lime-build.git
    starting point, it contains the references to all other repos.
 --> Make a staging branch "release/14.08"

 * https://github.com/libre-mesh/lime-packages.git
    (referenced in lime-build/feeds.conf)
    libre-mesh packages.
 --> Make a staging branch "release/14.08"

then, other repos we cloned and "snapshotted":

 * https://github.com/libre-mesh/openwrt.git
    (referenced in lime-build/config.mk)
    base openwrt buildroot.
    cloned from git://git.openwrt.org/openwrt.git
 --> Make an immortal branch "release/14.08"

 * https://github.com/libre-mesh/openwrt-packages.git
    (referenced in lime-build/feeds.conf)
    maintained packages feed.
    cloned from git://github.com/openwrt/packages.git
    original repo has a branch named "for-14.07"
 --> Make an immortal branch "release/14.08" tracking "for-14.07"

 * https://github.com/libre-mesh/openwrt-oldpackages.git
    (referenced in lime-build/feeds.conf)
    old packages feed.
    cloned from git://git.openwrt.org/packages.git
 --> Make an immortal branch "release/14.08"

 * https://github.com/libre-mesh/openwrt-routing-packages.git
    (referenced in lime-build/feeds.conf)
    cloned from git://github.com/openwrt-routing/packages.git
    original repo has a branch named "for-14.07"
 --> Make an immortal branch "release/14.08" tracking "for-14.07"

 * https://github.com/libre-mesh/openwrt-luci.git
    (referenced in lime-build/feeds.conf)
    cloned from git://git.openwrt.org/project/luci.git
 --> Make an immortal branch "release/14.08"

 * https://github.com/libre-mesh/libremap-agent.git
    (referenced in lime-build/feeds.conf)
    cloned from git://github.com/libremap/libremap-agent-openwrt.git
 --> Make an immortal branch "release/14.08"

i know this means a loooot of repos that we have to "maintain" on our
own (in a way), but:
 * it's the only method to have something that we control completely
 * normally they will be just mirrors of the original repo, and pulling
changes from upstream should be as easy as "git pull upstream ; git push

not all of those repos were mirrored, and currently lime-build is
pointing at the original (upstream) repos. I'll fix that in a minute.

also, i changed the "default" branch of lime-packages to *develop*, to
make development progress more visible.
so now if you git clone lime-packages, you'll get bleeding edge code,
unless you checkout "stable" branch (i.e. what was previously called
master) or some particular release
while this deviates just a little bit from nvie "gitflow" branching
model, i think it is aligned with what people expect when looking at a
github repo.
Dev mailing list
Dev at lists.libre-mesh.org

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