[Battlemesh] wireless spectrum scanner in wbmv4

L. Aaron Kaplan aaron at lo-res.org
Wed Nov 10 11:00:20 CET 2010

On Nov 10, 2010, at 9:46 AM, Xavier Carcelle wrote:

> Hola Albert,
>> Made some contacts with local university to look for possible collaboration
>> in the wireles battlemesh to be held in catalonia. Talked about several
>> things, I asked if they can lend us some equipment for the event (they
>> confirmed some server and switches) and asked specifically for a spectrum
>> scanner remembering that this was discussed during wbm presentation in
>> ninux-day.
> That would be excellent to have one this WBMv4.
> Do you what kind of equipment is that ? Spectrum Analyzer ?
> Our contact teacher (in BCC) asked for what purpose since isn't
>> easy to move the equipment out the university and the scanner they have is a
>> multipurpose one with a sensibility comparable (or worse than)  to some
>> cheap-commercial wifi scanners. What was the idea of having the spectrum
>> analyzer?
> We have tried the Ubiquity WiFi scanner w/ Aaron and this is a
> good/simple way to have a view of the occupancy of the spectrum but
> the full spectrum analyzer can give use advanced spectrum analyzing of
> the gaussian response for each 14 802.11 channels (that will differ
> from one 802.11 chip to the other and than affect the perturbations
> from one channel to the other).

Yes, it is just a cheap solution.
If I am not mistaken, I remember nbd mentioning that he could do the same spectrum scanning
as UBNT with the AirView in ath9k (?) 
Another thing to note: all new UBNT M-Series products come with AirView pre-installed (it is part of AirOS, 
a Java applet). So you could theoretically use some UBNT M-Series Wi-Fi Router  as poor mans "spectrum analyzer" just as well.
Of course, this does not give you the capabilities as a real one.

It would be cool to collect the data at each node and correlate routing decisions with the data from multiple 
"spectrum analyzers".

>> PS: this local university is doing some research in some-kind of wireless
>> data-sensors network that may be nice to hear about during the event
> We can organize a day/half-day of talks/presentations including local
> academic projects of Barcelona universities.
sounds nice :)

Are the dates for the next WBM already fixed ? The last that I know is "mid March"?

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