[Battlemesh] ScienceDirect paper

L. Aaron Kaplan aaron at lo-res.org
Sun Apr 24 22:04:49 CEST 2011

On Apr 24, 2011, at 9:41 PM, Juliusz Chroboczek wrote:

>> Maybe we could just write to the authors? ;-)
> They're apparently too stupid to put the paper on their web pages.  How
> do they expect to be cited if people can't get their a copy of their paper?


So, we don't cite them :)

> Yes, we do have access at Paris 7, and yes, I've lent a copy to the
> three people who expressed interest.  (Please, please sue me.  "Academic
> sued for lending paper to his collaborators.")

Can you lend it to me too?
I give it back, no problem.


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