[Battlemesh] Bufferbloat video on Youtube

Jim Gettys jg at freedesktop.org
Fri Jun 3 19:55:05 CEST 2011

A much improved version of the talk I gave at Battlemesh is now up on 

I gave this version of the bufferbloat talk in late April, at Microsoft 
Research, Apple and Google in late April.

The Google talk was recorded and put up at:
The corresponding slides and abstract are at:

Vint Cerf was kind enough to do the introduction.

Thank you all for being guinea pigs for it.

Best regards,
                 Jim Gettys


May all your mesh networks be unbloated to battle faster.

Note that this mail is being sent from a Linux laptop through a 
WNDR3700v2 router running a OpenWRT build Dave Taht has put together 
that has the debloat-testing patches in it, including eBDP; while not 
done, even under load, these now behave radically better than stock 
router/Linux systems; it even has babel in it, though I've not tried to 
play with babel.  No kittens or puppies have yet been sacrificed: your 
mileage will vary ;-).

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