[Battlemesh] [WBMv4] Video streaming is possible if we want. All we need is a laptop and a camera.

Benjamin Henrion bh at udev.org
Thu Mar 10 17:32:12 CET 2011

On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 1:11 PM, Roger Baig Viñas <roger.baig at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I forgot to give the URL:
> http://sax.guifi.net/
> The website is still under construction. Contributions will be very welcome.
> thx
> On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 12:40 PM, Roger Baig Viñas <roger.baig at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello there,
>> Some guifi.net folks have set-up the video streaming system to
>> broardcast the SAX talks and are offering one of the two channels to
>> the WBM. Do we want to use it? If we do so all we need to do is to
>> provide a laptop with either M$ or Apple OS (yes, I know, I know...)
>> to install the streaming client-software and a camera to record. Does
>> anybody have a camera that can be connected to a laptop? I'm trying to
>> find one down here.

It is better to simply record the talks, and post them swiftly
afterwards somewhere in OGV or on Youtube or Vimeo.

Benjamin Henrion <bhenrion at ffii.org>
FFII Brussels - +32-484-566109 - +32-2-4148403
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