[Battlemesh] People arriving on Monday 03/14

Antonio Quartulli ordex at ritirata.org
Sat Mar 12 15:45:05 CET 2011

This are the people who are going to arrive at Vic on Monday:

- vincent at 12:32
- Antonio at 13:22 (if he'll catch the first train available from BCN,
  otherwise 14:07)
- h4k41s  at ?? (no info is available)
- Massoud at ?? (probably around 12:00~12:30 looking at the landing time)
- Henning at ?? (probably around 14:30 looking at the landing time)

Then it seems we have ptr_here and Xflame arriving by car on the same

If I remember correctly, ptr_here said he can carry at most 6 people (or
am I wrong?), then I think the best solution is to wait for all us to 
arrive at Vic and then make a single trip to SBG :-)

What do you think?

Antonio Quartulli

..each of us alone is worth nothing..
Ernesto "Che" Guevara

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