[Battlemesh] Military advertising at Battlemesh

Juliusz Chroboczek jch at pps.jussieu.fr
Sat Mar 26 20:15:33 CET 2011

> Maybe we could make up a text for the next battlemesh

Hopefully that won't be necessary.

This discussion has been very useful: it has demonstrated that there is
an unwritten consensus that advertising military businesses is not
welcome at BM.  (Note: consensus does not mean unanimity, it means
a majority influential enough so that the minority are willing to submit
to the consensus).  This is excellent news, since it means that we are
behaving like a functional community, one that is able to come up with
unwritten rules of behaviour without going through elections or other
democratic rituals that are easily gamed.

(As a side note, the fact that Henning has never been tempted to
advertise his job shows that he's a member of the community I've
described above.)

For the next BM, we simply need to take this consensus into account, and
make sure that any bomb-makers^W^Wdevelopers of technology for the
defense market are aware of it.  We will also need to be vigilant, and
make sure that we interrupt any talk that clearly crosses the line.

Much preferable, IMHO, than any easily-gamed set of written rules.


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