[Battlemesh] Mesh Networking could save lives. Help Needed!

Fotis P fotisp87 at gmail.com
Sat Feb 11 17:48:27 CET 2012

not to start a political thread, but this "Another point of view is also
worth mentioning and considering" definately needs clarification.

i know the list is not political but lets save this space for a reference
to the usefulnes of technology by community for the community.

*VERY* GRAPHIC video showing war-crimes of Assad mercenaries:

and a handful of tweets about Syria:

 Dire situation at a field hospital in the Al-Bayada neighborhood --
http://t.co/dwwRFYyl #Syria #Mar15
 Op_Syria: If you are just now noticing the tragedy in #Syria, the events
have gone on for nearly a year. This is from May 2011: http://t.co/hohojNmy
 Op_Syria: VIDEO: Children in Baba Amr Homs critically injured by Syrian
military bombs -- http://t.co/cDaBeu1E #Syria #Mar15
 GRAPHIC VIDEO: Scores of dead Syrians from Army shelling on Zabadani in
the Damascus suburbs -- http://t.co/YvSOj8pn #Syria #Mar15

 FreeingSyria: Devil in the Details #Syria - 11/02/12 by DR Pro-Assad
rallies. The epitome of a civilized rally. The... http://t.co/vQ6UtOUb
  Homs, Baba Amr: A wounded man inside a field hospital slowly dies because
of the lack of medical equipment -- http://t.co/jmBbLOYT #Syria
VIDEO: Bab Amr, Homs Dr. Muhammad Treats Wounded as Assad Forces Shell
Neighborhood -- http://t.co/sl7plhDY #Syria #Mar15

Also keep in mind that the internet network has literally been unplugged
and most internet connections and video leaks go through telephone dial ups
and foreign cellural networks.
I can see some use for mesh networks here. Just to support the topic.

2012/2/10 Federico Capoano <federico at nemesisdesign.net>

>  Il 10/02/2012 12.06, Roger Baig ViƱas ha scritto:
> Hi,
> On 10 February 2012 08:42, Man in the Middle wrote:
>  > It looks like I just stumbled on the community I was looking for.>> We all know what happens when unhappy citizens try to stand up against their> tyrannical regimes. A worst case is playing out in Syria, as we speak.
>  -maybe a bit OT (or hopefully not since I guess most of you will agree
> with me on the fact that human rights can never be OT)-
> The lack of international action against Syrian authorities is exactly
> the type of things that make me question myself about the effective
> value of freedom of speech; we all already know what's going on there,
> however we, as a whole, are doing nothing for those poor people...
> thx
> Another point of view is also worth mentioning and considering:
> http://www.veteranstoday.com/2012/02/08/independent-report-contradicts-western-portrait-of-syria/
> *Federico Capoano*
> Web Designer & Web Developer
> Portfolio/Blog: nemesisdesign.net
> Twitter: @nemesisdesign <http://twitter.com/nemesisdesign/>
> PGP Key ID: 308BD46E
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