[Battlemesh] Battlemesh v5 december meeting minutes/notes/bullets @Berlin

Marek Lindner lindner_marek at yahoo.de
Tue Jan 3 17:35:34 CET 2012

On Wednesday, January 04, 2012 00:20:57 L. Aaron Kaplan wrote:
> Marek, to the best of my knowledge, you and Nico got in contact with *some*
> AWMN folks. But not with AWMN (as a legal entity as well as with the
> founders of AWMN) itself! AWMN (as a legal organization) is not involved
> so far to the best of my knowledge.

I believe you have been misinformed - while we were in Greece we met some of 
the AWMN founders but these are not the people we met in Barcelona. I can put 
you in contact with the founders if you are interested.

> You and Nico could contact those from AWMN which were present at the last
> WBM in Barcelona (if you want I can send you the contact details if you do
> not have them - I think you do). Maybe you can still figure out something
> with some friendly diplomacy?

I don't understand what this is about. Would you mind elaborating ?


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