[Battlemesh] Military advertising at Battlemesh

Ferry Huberts mailings at hupie.com
Wed Mar 21 08:29:42 CET 2012

On 20-03-12 17:03, ZioPRoTo (Saverio Proto) wrote:
> Hello Folks,
> I have been contacted privately by someone that works for the Dutch
> Army, to attend a private meeting in Athens during the Battlemesh
> days.
> The informal meeting would be about OLSR dev team roadmap and works
> done by this company on the OLSR code.
> I refused to attend this meeting, of course.
> please heads up. We are not going to tolerate people from the war
> industry at the Battle Mesh.
> Saverio

This is getting way out of proportion, completely unneeded.

Please allow me to explain a few facts so that everybody knows what is 
going on
and doesn't jump to conclusions, like Saverio seems to be doing.

First a short timeline of this thread:
- Saverio put forth some ideas for GSoC on the olsr-dev mailing list
- Henning, Markus, Teco and I responded
- I saw a big overlap in work being done on link metrics by Saverio, Henning
   and us
- I pushed the guys doing the work for us to be more open about it, to 
come to
   battlemesh and to contact Saverio, Henning, Markus and Aaron about 
   to discuss the link metrics work in a developer meetup (they weren't 
be open
   just yet because the work was very much just-started)
- They then sent an email proposing a developer meetup that was not cc-ed to
   the olsr-dev list. Maybe that was a mistake; the reasoning was that 
these are
   the people involved in the link metrics work.
- Saverio then reclined coming to the meeting and started this thread on the
   battlemesh mailing list.

Now some background of our project:
- We work for the iBridge project, which is a big project by the public
   crisis management sector (fire brigade, police, ambulances, etc).
- Our deployment is with the fire brigade
- Everything we do (and have done) with OLSR is (and has always been)
   completely in the open. All of our modification are public, and 
integrated in
   olsr upstream
- Yes, there are pepole from the DoD involved in iBridge because the 
army is a
   factor in crisis management as well. Just think of a big flood, or huge
   forrest fires.
- We (Teco and me) are located at the DoD. At their research center for
   communications technology. The olsr part of iBridge is subcontracted 
to the DoD.
- Our salaries are paid by the public crisis management sector since 
they run
   the project.

Some links (please please do not take them as advertisement but as 
of what I'm explaining)
- http://innovatieinveiligheid.nl/
- http://www.youtube.co/watch?v=AY4ITXtX7PE&feature=related
- http://www.youtube.co/watch?v=AuMj9yeHhVQ&feature=related
- http://www.youtube.co/watch?v=h5YxM0w4Jos&feature=related

Saverio is twisting facts - or at least not mentioning some, without knowing
what we actually do. We are not in the business of war, we are in the 
of crisis management.

We are hurt by these accusations and untruthfulnesses.
We try to do everything right and are then stabbed in the back.

An apology would be in place from you Saverio.

Especially since you copied the bmf olsr plugin (made by Thales, a defense
contractor) without respecting its license.

> 2011/3/26 Juliusz Chroboczek<jch at pps.jussieu.fr>:
>>> we want to apply censorship on any army-related talk?
>> Nonsense.
>> You are welcome to discuss anything you want at the bar with your
>> friends, that's what free speech is about.  You are not welcome to
>> discuss anything you want when giving a public talk at a meeting of
>> a community that has taken us years of work and thousands of Euros to
>> build.
>> This has nothing to do with censorship.
>> --Juliusz
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Ferry Huberts

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