[Battlemesh] spirit of the event text

Henning Rogge hrogge at googlemail.com
Sat Mar 31 21:01:15 CEST 2012

Next iteration of the text:

Battlemesh is an event with a bottom up approach, self organized by
people for people. It centers around technologies used in community
mesh networks based on open source philosophy. It is a chance for
people to test, share ideas and meet each other.

It consists also of happenings allowing people to present and get
feedback for their ideas, stories and experiences related to or useful
for community mesh networks.

No matter your backgrounds, as long as you care about events community
and its philosophy you are welcome to get in touch with us and be part
of the Battlemesh.

(done at the Hackerspace.gr)

On Fri, Mar 30, 2012 at 14:44, Mitar <mitar at tnode.com> wrote:
> Hi!
> This was mostly meant as a front-page explanation. Of course also future
> local organiziers would read that. ;-)
> Mitar
>>> Here a very short text that me Henning and Mitar produced to describe
>>> the spirit of the event. Feel free to comment
>> Is this destined for the wiki?  I'd recommend putting it up front, and
>> then also putting a link to it from the http://battlemesh.org/org_framework
>> page.  Like "Minimum requirements for local organizers:  Must be an
>> organization who shares the [[goals outlined here]]."
>> That was something we talked about at the bar, but didn't formalize what
>> ideals we expect the group to have.  You just did that.
>> --Ryan
>>> ------------------
>>> Battlemesh is an event with a bottom up approach, self organized by
>>> people for people. It centers around technologies used in community
>>> mesh networks based on open source philosophy. It is a chance for
>>> people to test, share ideas and meet each other.
>>> It consists also of happenings allowing people to present and get
>>> feedback for their ideas, stories and experiences related to or useful
>>> for community mesh networks.
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>> Battlemesh mailing list
>> Battlemesh at ml.ninux.org
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> Battlemesh mailing list
> Battlemesh at ml.ninux.org
> http://ml.ninux.org/mailman/listinfo/battlemesh

Steven Hawkings about cosmic inflation: "An increase of billions of
billions of percent in a tiny fraction of a second. Of course, that
was before the present government."

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