[Battlemesh] International links between Austria, Croatia, and Slovenia

Christian Huldt christian at solvare.se
Sat Oct 20 16:43:29 CEST 2012

2012-10-20 kl. 09:36 skrev Mitar:

> Hi!
>> Maybe a different frequency for the long shot links?
> Or different protocol. HAM operators in Slovenia are experimenting with
> this new protocol:
> http://lea.hamradio.si/~s53mv/nbp/nbp.html


>> Now all that remains (</sarcasm>) is to find some openwrt devices for
>> TV white spaces and funding...
> Or just self-build above mentioned devices and use that.

That won't work with todays corporation friendly/community hostile Sweden, they would require extremely thorough out-of-band characteristics testing :-(

If we do this as a private enterprise seeking revenue they will throw money at us, if we try a community approach they will probably work against us.
I'm trying to bend my head over this and look for alternative ways of funding it

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