[Battlemesh] Endrosement strategy, feedback please

Simon Wunderlich simon.wunderlich at s2003.tu-chemnitz.de
Wed Jan 30 21:00:22 CET 2013

Hey Federico,

On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 07:08:49PM +0100, Nemesis wrote:
> Hi,
> sorry or the delay, very busytime!
> This is the text i'd like tosend out to the various communities:
>     *Wireless Battle of the Mesh seeking for Endorsements*
>     The Battlemesh community is seeking for endorsements from well known
>     communities in the field of Community Networks, Open Routing
>     Protocols, Open Source Software and Hacktivism.
>     Endorsement is just a fancy word that means to promote the eventand
>     attract the maximum number of people as possible to the event:-D
>     *What Does Mean to Endorse*
>     Endorsing means to publish an official pressreleases /*(link to the
>     press release template here)*/ onyour website which will express
>     your community's support to the event and indicate any eventual
>     involvement of your community in the event;
>     For example, some people of your community might come to the event;
>     some others might be the organizers; some others will hold one or
>     more talks and so on.
>     Additionally but not obbligatorily, your community could also donate
>     hardware or money to the event.
>     *Why Endorsing is Good*
>     The interest in the event will surely grow if potential participants
>     would see so many communities and skilled individuals are actively
>     participating to it.
>     Our goals are:
>       * spread the word
>       * let potential attendants see who is coming
>       * have a poster with all the logos of the endorsers
>     *How to Endorse*
>      1. Copy this press release template *(LINK HERE)* and modify it
>         according to your preferences
>      2. Send a mail with the logo of your community to *MAIL HERE* (what
>         mail address can we use?)
>      3. Publish the press release on your website/blog
>      4. Spread it with all the means you can: mailing list, social
>         networks, ecc.
>     We will feature the logos of the endorsers on our website and poster.
>     Please let us know
>     The Battlemesh Community
> Feedback requested!
> Please help me improving it by correcting mistakes.

There are some typos, but it generally sounds good!

Maybe you can put it into the wiki so we can just remove these typos?

> Question time!
>   * does theAbout Us Page needs to be updated?

I think any community which feels like it can update if they want? Or do you have
anything special in mind?

>   * does writing on the wiki requires special permissions?

Nope, at least on most of the pages which are not locked, you can just edit it.

>   * any suggestion for the press release template?

Well we could have:
 * short introduction (like in the announcement mail/main page on battlemesh.org)
 * dates of the next wbmv6
 * link to battle mesh v6 subpage
 * where to sign up

that should be enough. Everyone can make their own adjustments as needed. I'd love
to post something on the open-mesh.org news page soon. :)

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