[Battlemesh] CJDNS [was: How to get in touch with BMX and Babel developers]

Nemesis nemesis at ninux.org
Sun Sep 22 13:08:06 CEST 2013

On 09/22/2013 11:44 AM, Mitar wrote:
> Hi!
> Kostko and me were disusing some technological and security things with
> Caleb (main author of CJDNS). I think it would be great to have him over
> for Battlemesh. He has passion about this things and have some
> interesting ideas. Because CJDNS routing is based on Kademlia DHT it
> would be interesting to have him discuss ideas with Juliusz. I think
> some interesting cross pollination of ideas could be a result. :-)

We should do something for travelfunding.

Last year we co-funded travel for the Argentinian guys, shall we take
this to the next level?

I don't know if we'll be able to find sponsors again, is there any chance?

I posted this on reddit:

And someone proposed a crowdfunding campaign.
I don't think it's a bad idea.
Suppose every community seeking for co-funding would promote the
campaign, we could then divide the raised money by continents and share
funding equally between people that applied for travel funding in that

I have no experience with crowdfunding campaign, don't know what are the
legal terms, but I would consider it an interesting experience I could
volounteer to.

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