[Battlemesh] Test manager, anyone?

Simon Wunderlich sw at simonwunderlich.de
Fri Feb 28 16:44:24 CET 2014

Dear Battlemeshers,

thanks to all the volunteers so far, we got quite a lot of open things 
covered: Endorsements, T-Shirts, Call for Talks, Firmware preparation, routers 

but to make the battle a success, we still need someone who takes care of the 
tests! Test management includes:
 * think about meaningingful test scenarios (we have plenty of ideas from the 
last years, if you need inspiration)
 * discuss them with the firmware teams and implement them
 * schedule the tests so that we can have results by friday night
 * evaluate the results (I'm sure there are people who can help with the 
evaluation of the raw data)
 * give a short presentation how the different protocols performed so that 
protocol implementors can learn from the experiences

We know this is a challenging task, but I'm sure there are people assisting 
you for the various sub-tasks. We'd like to have one person to volunteer and 
act as a main contact so the tests can run smoothly. :) Since the battlemesh 
is approaching fast, is there anyone who wants to help us out?


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