[Battlemesh] Battlemesh poster draft

Nemesis nemesis at ninux.org
Sun Jan 19 23:24:51 CET 2014

Hi guys,

I made this: http://static.nemesisdesign.net/battlemesh/poster-0.1.png

It's not great and there's a lot of space for improvement.Send your

I invite all the endorsers which have not sent the logo in SVG format to
do it asapotherwise I cannot include it in the poster.

  * OpenWRT
  * Funkfeuer
  * OLSR
  * Free Network Foundation
  * BMX
  * qMp.cat

The size of the poster is the A0 format, but i'm working on it in vector
format so we can make it smaller if we need.

I wouldlike to include a digital version of the poster in the
endorsement template.

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