[Battlemesh] WiBed testbed topology

M edimoger at ac.upc.edu
Fri Aug 7 11:42:43 UTC 2015

Yesterday we managed to deploy 20 WiBed nodes throughout the venue 
building, that are working fine.
After that we worked, a bit on the visualization of the topology with 
the following 2 results:
1) Attached is a snapshot of the experiment (5GHz) network using 
batadv-vis (dot file and svg)
2) Libremap agent is built-in in WiBed, though the zoom is not enough 
(takes some seconds to load the nodes) [1]
Does anyone has experience in increasing LibreMap maximum zoom?

Clauz is currently creating the overlays for the experiments, so any 
help would be appreciated.


Firmware Team
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