[Battlemesh] battlemesh v9 logo suggestion

cmsv cmsv at wirelesspt.net
Wed Dec 2 00:02:49 CET 2015

No problem with me for that.
But I oppose to the rooster and maybe my point of view is something that
only portuguese understand which in other words translate into, farm
animals, cod fish, wine, cork, zé povinho and so on, since it tends to
be pointed as depreciative stereotype. Specially outside the country.
(No offence for the roster suggestion)


On 12/01/2015 01:58 PM, Lars wrote:
> hey,
> i appreciate your effort, and don't wanna start the bike-shedding --
> please let's not use national or state symbols (in an affirmative way).
> thanks,
> lars
> On 01.12.2015 19:36, cmsv wrote:
>> Hello guys I had sent this before but forgot to forward to the mailing list.
>> In regards to logo using a rooster I must say I am not fond of it and
>> although it is a Portuguese symbol, it is also a symbol of a specific place.
>> This was my initial suggestion for the logo:
>> There are many symbols we could use but I think we should use something
>> national in the sense that it is not just a symbol of a specific local,
>> city, cultural place, etc.
>> In that order I also think of
>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armillary_sphere
>> http://www.brandsoftheworld.com/logo/portugal-esfera-armilar
>> That is present in the flag and I recently made a logo for my project
>> using it: https://transfer.sh/KOeUM/portugal-wirelesspt.png
>> It is an old symbol present in the portuguese historical culture
>> we also have the old shield/coat of arms
>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coat_of_arms_of_Portugal
>> https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/90/Shield_of_the_Kingdom_of_Portugal_%281481-1910%29.png/100px-Shield_of_the_Kingdom_of_Portugal_%281481-1910%29.png
>> which could be used in the poster as the battle shield
>> The old caravels flags
>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:BandeiraRestaura%C3%A7%C3%A3o.svg
>> On 11/30/2015 11:25 AM, Filipe Borges Teixeira wrote:
>>> Hi Miguel,
>>> That sounds interesting! What other Portuguese symbols come to your mind?
>>> I think we can ask the community to have 2/3 proposals and then vote for
>>> the best.
>>> BR,
>>> Filipe Teixeira
>>> 2015-11-30 15:04 GMT+00:00 cmsv <cmsv at wirelesspt.net
>>> <mailto:cmsv at wirelesspt.net>>:
>>>     In regards to the logo  and although design is not part of my talents, I
>>>     have some suggestions that might be of interest of the Porto/Inesc
>>>     organizers.
>>>     One of the things I was thinking about the logo was to have it done
>>>     touching the Portuguese culture and past history as well new tech.
>>>     I thought that the logo could have a "real" battle of the old Portuguese
>>>     caravels with other caravels where the masts would be wireless antennas
>>>     transmitting wireless signal as the "attack weapon" simulation. The
>>>     caravels could be placed in a mesh type deployment looks in the poster.
>>>     I am also trying to find a designer that could help with this idea.
>>>     https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/57/cf/9e/57cf9e05ab30170319dbcf94d62ed0f0.jpg
>>>     (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caravel)
>>>     On 11/30/2015 09:43 AM, Simon Wunderlich wrote:
>>>     > Hi guys,
>>>     >
>>>     > how are you doing? Are you already registered to the mailing list?
>>>     If not,
>>>     > please do ASAP - momentum is building up and a lot of people are
>>>     volunteering
>>>     > for community tasks!
>>>     >
>>>     > http://ml.ninux.org/mailman/listinfo/battlemesh
>>>     >
>>>     > Also, I think its time for you as the local organizers to
>>>     introduce yourself.
>>>     > The idea would be to say hello, how to contact you, who of you is
>>>     helping
>>>     > (maybe, if you want, explain who is doing what), etc.
>>>     >
>>>     > It would also be great if you can get involved into the logo
>>>     discussion, maybe
>>>     > you have some suggestions of local "features" of Porto which should be
>>>     > included into a logo?
>>>     >
>>>     > BTW, how is the plan of involving locals coming along? We should
>>>     drag them to
>>>     > the mailing list too. :)
>>>     >
>>>     > Cheers,
>>>     >      Simon
>>>     >
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