[Battlemesh] Please vote for the date!! and some open tasks :)

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Fri Jan 16 14:02:57 UTC 2015

Greetings battlemeshers,

I would like to do the "Talk organization/Agende" task.

Therefore I have a two questions.
* Who did this last year?
* Is there a list of people to contact with a "call for talk" or just
look at who will endorse and ask these communities?

kind regards

On 01/13/2015 02:33 PM, Simon Wunderlich wrote:
> Hey battlemeshers,
> first, please remember that you have one week left to vote for the date for 
> battlemesh v8:
> http://doodle.com/u87m93n6mtgtc5nt
> We have already collected 35 votes so far (thanks a lot everyone), and would 
> appreciate your vote even if you didn't decide if you can make it this year or 
> not. :)
> As the years before, the Battlemesh is a community event, so we will need 
> volunteers to help us with the organization and support the local team. Here 
> are some tasks which are still open, please let us know on the mailing list if 
> you could help out on any of them:
>  * Handling Endorsement - Federico, do you want to take this over again this 
> year?
>  * Talk Organization/Agenda - Send out call for talks/workshops, collect ideas 
> and proposals, put the into a timetable, collect slides etc afterwards.
>  * Test preparation/management - create test scenarios or adopt from last 
> year, prepare and discuss them with teams, organize evaluation. As you may 
> know, this is a challenging, but very interesting task :)
>  * Firmware preparation - We can probably use the WBMv7 firmware, but this 
> would need to be checked and prepared as well - are all the nice new features 
> of all the protocols in? Any bugs squashed? Should it be tested BEFORE the 
> event?
>  * Logo - design an unique Logo for T-Shirts and Posters :)
>  * T-Shirts - the first batch of the T-Shirts was printed in Slovenia last 
> year, maybe we can use that again? Any other idea? I probably have a list of 
> how many shirts of which size we had last year ...
>  * Press Communication - Anyone? (I heard rumors about a PR guy in Slovenia) - 
> this could also be divided in local press communication (news papers, radios, 
> etc) and global PR (blogs, news websites, ...)
>  * Recording and Streaming - we will probably have equipment at the venue, but 
> we will need people involved to stream (if that is wanted), post-process, etc 
> ...
>  * Hardware - is there anyone who can sponsor hardware this year?
> There are probably more things to do, and also if you have some ideas which 
> are not covered in the previous list, please share them and lets get things 
> done. :)
> Thanks!
>      Simon

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