[Battlemesh] Battlemesh event in NYC?

Nemesis nemesis at ninux.org
Wed Jan 7 13:10:23 CET 2015

Hi Sarah,

I am the one who encouraged you on twitter to ask this question here,
because here is where the collective mind of the battlemesh community
resides while just few people look at the twitter account.

As some suggested, doing a sub-event there looks like a good idea to me.

If we can somehow join forces and help you create something good there,
I think it's definitely a good idea, even if some of us might not be
able to attend.

I also like Roger's thought about being too european-centric and being
able to gather funds to travel to another continent.

But yeah if you and some other friends of yours can come to Slovenia it
would be awsome to meet up and talk about it in person. The cool thing
about the Battlemesh is that every event is unique and always fun, so in
my opinion is always worth it.


On 01/07/2015 01:01 PM, Sarah Grant wrote:
> Heh, okay. Yeah, it’s nice to meet so many other people that have a
> deep knowledge of these things. And yes, women are definitely a
> minority, haha.
> Thanks,
> Sarah
>> On Jan 7, 2015, at 12:51 PM, barbara at wlan-si.net
>> <mailto:barbara at wlan-si.net> wrote:
>> Sarah,
>> nothing about your interest is super noob, these guys are amazing and
>> they'll be more than happy to share knowledge and experience, as well
>> as "expand" the event organisation to the US. =)
>> And I am happy to see I will have female company this summer. =)
>> The Maribor team awaits all of you eagerly and we are truly excited
>> about hosting it in Slovenia, the little gem below the Alps, this year!
>> Come, see, participate!
>> Kind regards,
>> Barb
>> On 7. jan. 2015, at 12.44, Sarah Grant <lists at chootka.com
>> <mailto:lists at chootka.com>> wrote:
>>> Well, I would love to attend the next event + organize a meetup.
>>> There is a growing number of people interested in mesh networks in
>>> NYC, but Europe is far advanced in terms of experience and
>>> organization, so I think it would be cool to import some knowledge
>>> over. And ideally to exchange some knowledge as well, whatever that
>>> may be. At the very least, NYC isn’t the worst place in the world to
>>> visit. 
>>> Benjamin, what does organizing a sub meetup entail?
>>> Sorry if these questions are super noob, I am just trying to
>>> understand how the organization operates a bit more. I have read
>>> through the website, but I wanted to talk to real people as well.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Sarah
>>>> On Jan 7, 2015, at 12:39 PM, Roger Baig Viñas <roger.baig at gmail.com
>>>> <mailto:roger.baig at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> On the one hand, attending an event to understand what is all about
>>>> as Pau suggested, followed by a meetup, as Benjamin suggested, is a
>>>> good way to star. On the other, I think it is time to jump to
>>>> another continent to avoid being European-centric. I think that
>>>> with some time and efforts it is possible to find funds to overcome
>>>> the flight fares differences. The key point is to find the right
>>>> people to rise these funds.
>>>> Regards.
>>>> On 7 January 2015 at 12:29, Benjamin Henrion <zoobab at gmail.com
>>>> <mailto:zoobab at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>     On Wed, Jan 7, 2015 at 12:27 PM, Pau <pau at dabax.net
>>>>     <mailto:pau at dabax.net>> wrote:
>>>>     > The next BattleMesh (v8 = 2015) will be hosted on Slovenia.
>>>>     As the WBM
>>>>     > is a 100% horizontal event organized by volunteers, usually a
>>>>     > requirement for hosting it is to have assisted to a previous
>>>>     event. So
>>>>     > it would be great to have you or someone else from NYC to
>>>>     Slovenia.
>>>>     > There we can discuss about the availability of hosting the
>>>>     next event in
>>>>     > USA or somewhere else.
>>>>     You can do your own sub WBM meetup, like we did in the past
>>>>     with the
>>>>     v3.3 and 3.1416 in Belgium.
>>>>     --
>>>>     Benjamin Henrion <bhenrion at ffii.org <http://ffii.org/>>
>>>>     FFII Brussels - +32-484-566109 <tel:%2B32-484-566109> -
>>>>     +32-2-4148403 <tel:%2B32-2-4148403>
>>>>     "In July 2005, after several failed attempts to legalise software
>>>>     patents in Europe, the patent establishment changed its strategy.
>>>>     Instead of explicitly seeking to sanction the patentability of
>>>>     software, they are now seeking to create a central European patent
>>>>     court, which would establish and enforce patentability rules in
>>>>     their
>>>>     favor, without any possibility of correction by competing courts or
>>>>     democratically elected legislators."
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>>>>     Battlemesh mailing list
>>>>     Battlemesh at ml.ninux.org <mailto:Battlemesh at ml.ninux.org>
>>>>     http://ml.ninux.org/mailman/listinfo/battlemesh
>>>> -- 
>>>> roger
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