[Battlemesh] About a testbed - what is the status
edimoger at ac.upc.edu
Tue Jul 28 13:59:57 UTC 2015
On 07/28/2015 02:44 PM, Mitar wrote:
> Hi!
> What is the status of the testbed preparations? Who is working on it?
> Amadeus, you are coordinating things? Do you need any help? Manos, how
> is the firmware status?
Concerning the firmware status we are currently testing compatibility of
the lates trunk with the wibed-packages. As Bernd mention compilation is
possible but we are working these days to guarantee that the WiBed
functionality works properly.
> For easier planing, here is the map of the venue:
> https://www.dropbox.com/s/ddhbfs5sklc0tmi/MapPekre.pdf?dl=0
> X are where power sockets are.
> Here is the list of hardware we have:
> http://battlemesh.org/BattleMeshV8#Hardware
> Will there be any other hardware? Please update the wiki, if you are
> bringing anything, so that firmware team can know what to expect.
> Maybe we should prepare the plan in advance, so that things can be ready
> as soon as possible? I know that Dave had some ideas how to do testing.
> Here are some other links I found on the past e-mails on the mailing
> list, I am not sure how recent they are:
> https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B2R7QZwVViEtfmF1bUJieW1JV01FZWZscll1U1JZUWpHY25xM0dTelhib3ZYdXpfb1JsVkE
> https://github.com/battlemesh/wibed
> https://github.com/battlemesh/wibed-packages
> https://github.com/battlemesh/wibed-battlemesh-experiment
> http://wiki.confine-project.eu/wibed:start
> So the main purpose of this e-mail is to motivate some action. Maybe I
> am just not in touch what exactly is the status of these things and they
> are already happening in the background, in this case, great. But if
> things are a bit stuck somewhere, let's make it unstuck!
> Let's make this Battlemesh the best event up to now! :-) And really get
> a useful and reasonable data out of the testbed.
> Mitar
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