[Battlemesh] Result documentation RFC

Nemesis nemesis at ninux.org
Thu Sep 3 18:15:15 CEST 2015

On 09/03/2015 02:55 PM, Toke Høiland-Jørgensen wrote:
> Jenny Ryan <tunabananas at gmail.com> writes:
>> > One suggestion I have is just to include a short verbal summary of
>> > each graph, though I'm guessing you already intend to do that (eg; "In
>> > this particular example though, Babel, BMX7 and OLSRv1, with almost
>> > all packets being under 10ms, outperforms Batman-adv and OLSRv2, which
>> > “only” have 80% of the packets under 10ms.").
> In general (but speaking mostly to the "Blowing up the network" tests)
> I'd be wary of drawing strong conclusions about the relative behaviour
> of the various algorithms from the performed tests. WiFi has notoriously
> high variance in behaviour between test runs, so a lot more tests are
> needed to draw strong conclusions. Instead, look at the results as an
> indication of things to look at more closely :)
> I've sent a pull request for the "Blowing up the network" page which
> includes this point, as well as a refresh of the graphs and some other
> text.

Thanks Toke, it was merged by axel and it looks great:

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