[Battlemesh] [Office] FCC Firmware lockdown

demos demos at posteo.de
Fri Sep 4 01:22:12 CEST 2015

Paul Gardner-Stephen:
> Hello,
> I am considering trying to pull together a submission to the FCC about this
> rule if anyone is willing to help out.  We need to start by enumerating the
> problems we see with it.  Here is a starting list:
> 1. Prevents reflashing equipment for use in other jurisdictions.
> 2. Prevents innovation and repurposing equipment, such as to respond to
> humanitarian situations, including for projects such as the Serval Project
> and others who are being funded by USAID or other US government entities to
> accomplish exactly this goal.
> 3. Prevents update of firmware on equipment to close security
> vulnerabilities.
> 4. Increases cost burden for manufacturers, resulting in higher costs to
> consumers.
> 5. Will be of questionable effectiveness (but we need to explain why)
> Any other thoughts? Anyone willing to help craft a submission to the FCC on
> this?
> Paul.

Hi Paul and all,

to prevent double work:
here people already started something: coordination wiki:

coordination mailinglist:
collecting alternative hardware wiki:
(solution = libre board + extra wlan)

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