[Battlemesh] Forced firmware lockdown in EU already passed

demos demos at posteo.de
Mon Sep 7 14:19:09 CEST 2015

> Hi!
>> This is not that clear cut in EU: enforcement of Article 3 (3) list
>> "essential requirements" is delegated to proposals of which equipment
>> will affected by the EU Commission, and these proposals can be blocked
>> either by the council or the parliament. Also in the preamble (19)
>> states clearly that software verification should not be abused to
>> prevent third party software. See below for quotes.
> But preamble is not a directive, no? And directive does not contain any
> such language.
> Also, how do you see in practice that both Article 3 (3) and preamble
> (19) would be possible? The only way I see it for a manufacturer to do
> that is to accept firmware images signed by a key from EU Commission.
> And then it leaves to EU Commission to decide which 3rd party software
> is still compliant.
> The other options are just to prevent 3rd party firmware images. Or to
> require binary blob drivers for WiFi. None of those we really want. So
> how exactly do you see that the wording in current directive is not
> problematic? How would you in an ideal world implement this in practice
> for WiFi devices? If I understand you correctly, what you are saying is
> that we should hope this applies only to SDRs and not WiFi?
> Mitar
i want to cite an idea that somebody i know wrote to me:
Well, the idea of the RMSBOX that I discussed with RMS was to separate
the (non-updateable) firmware of the WLAN from the main router logic / OS.
Hence the design combination of a general-purpose embedded system plus
(USB|pcie) WLAN stick / card.  The stick/card would have the non-free
firmware, but only manage the WLAN chip with it, while the
general-purpose system would be fully libre. So this is exactly also
addressing the
requirements of the EU directive.

What do you think?
Maybe now is somebody willing to help with the GNU recommendation?->

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