[Battlemesh] It’s do or die now

Nemesis nemesis at ninux.org
Sat Sep 26 23:08:03 CEST 2015

Thanks for the explanation.

It looks like different forces are trying to fight free networks around
the world.

Let us know when the article is ready, I'll try to get it reposted on
the ninux blog and spread it around as much as I can.


On 09/25/2015 06:55 PM, Linus Lüssing wrote:
> Störerhaftung is a law here in Germany on Secondary Liability:
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secondary_liability
> Afaik that law was used for things like leaving your car unlocked
> or a chainsaw unattended.
> In 2010 the German high court ruled, that the internet is so
> dangerous though, that secondary liability applies.
> The good thing (so far) is, that here we have a specific
> excemption for ISPs, the so called "Provider's Privilege".
> Last year some lower courts acknowledged that hotel and holiday
> flat owners and even Freifunk are an "Access Provider" and
> therefore fall under the same privilege.
> Now the government got nervous about loosing their fine
> "scare law", the Störerhaftung. It so effectively prevented
> people to share their internet access, even with friends or flat
> mates... Germans are very easy to scare with something like that.
> And now the government tries to push an update through quickly
> because they are unhappy with the lower court rulings.
> (and how they are selling it and the mainstream media is buying it
> is even more unnerving - they leave out the whole story of the low
> court rulings and sell it as an improvement and more open wifi in
> Germany!)
> Cheers, Linus
> On Thu, Sep 24, 2015 at 09:59:42PM +0200, nemesis wrote:
>>  Monic,
>>  give us some background, what is this all about?
>>  Federico
>>  On Thu, 24 Sep 2015 17:44:37 +0200, Monic Meisel <monic at monic.de> 
>>  wrote:
>>> Dear activists,
>>> we launched today a campaign to get finally rid off the f***
>>> Störerhaftung and activate netpolitic-activists:
>>> http://freifunkstattangst.de/2015/09/24/freifunker-und-digitale-gesellschaft-starten-kampagne-zur-wlan-stoererhaftung/
>>> [1]
>>> Jürgen wrote an article to reflect actual politics, stating that
>>> this is not the only problem free networks have to face:
>>> http://blog.freifunk.net/2015/es-geht-ums-ganze [2]
>>> Unfortunately they are both in German … Maybe someone here could
>>> help to translate them into proper english?
>>> Thx Monic
>>> Co-Founder of freifunk.net
>>> Boardmember of Förderverein freie Netzwerke e.V.
>>> To support freifunkas, please donate: spenden.freifunk.net [3]
>>> Fingerprint C121 3F15 via pool.sks-keyservers.net
>>> Am 22.09.2015 um 18:22 schrieb Ben West :
>>> Eric Schultz of the Purple Foundation recently posted a long write-up
>>> at prpl.works, hoping to clarify everything around the FCC's recent
>>> NPRM (Notice of Proposed Rulemaking) and the prospect of open 
>>> firmware
>>> being banned on wireless devices.
>>> http://prpl.works/2015/09/21/yes-the-fcc-might-ban-your-operating-system/
>>> [4]
>>> --
>>> Ben West
>>> ben at gowasabi.net [5]
>>>   _______________________________________________
>>> Battlemesh mailing list
>>> Battlemesh at ml.ninux.org
>>> http://ml.ninux.org/mailman/listinfo/battlemesh
>>> Links:
>>> ------
>>> [1]
>>> http://freifunkstattangst.de/2015/09/24/freifunker-und-digitale-gesellschaft-starten-kampagne-zur-wlan-stoererhaftung/
>>> [2] http://blog.freifunk.net/2015/es-geht-ums-ganze
>>> [3] http://spenden.freifunk.net
>>> [4]
>>> http://prpl.works/2015/09/21/yes-the-fcc-might-ban-your-operating-system/
>>> [5] mailto:ben at gowasabi.net
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