[Battlemesh] mini-survey towards an FCC-Free "global south" router

sp1b0t sp1b0txd at gmail.com
Mon Apr 25 04:59:10 CEST 2016

Greetings from Bogota Colombia.

We can contribute to the initiative.

0) what's the approximate size of your mesh clouds (number of nodes)

36 nodes and 50 nodes projected


1) what's your most common node configuration?

 TP-Link WDR3500 WDR 4300

1.1) Does your network mostly depend on ad-hoc mode?


2) considering your most common node configuration: could a router with two
integrated 5Ghz radios for meshing + one 2.4Ghz radio for local AP
provision cover most cases?

we work with dual band devices

Nos vemos en bogota. un abrazo

Jorge Rojas
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