[Battlemesh] WBMv9 Hostel Invoices
cmsv at wirelesspt.net
Tue Jul 19 21:32:13 CEST 2016
Under Portuguese law, no one needs to request an invoice/receipt upon
buying goods or receive services.
Mr Teixeira (local organization team & hostel) are obligated to provide
that, WITHOUT being requested. We, who paid for it should have been
provided immediately with the invoices/receipts.
The reason why Mr Teixeira is now being 'squeezed'/asked about this and
emailing the list is also the same reason that he will be asked about a
few other things that he did due to lack of ethics and was author of.
They had lot of time to take care of some things they caused. And this
email is no coincidence regarding wmbv6 events. They have been silent
for over 2 months until some else brought wbmv9 to the mailing list today.
He did not misunderstand me. He purposely tried to pretend he was not
responsible and making look like I was blaming other people and there is
more to this story.
Government info:
b) issue an invoice must for every transfer of goods or services as are
set out in Articles 3 and 4, regardless of the quality of the buyer of
goods or recipient of services, even if they do not request it, as well
as the payments made to them before the date of transfer of goods or
the provision of services; (DL Drafting No. 197/2012, of 24 August, with
entry into force on January 1, 2013)
Quote without translation extracted from the pdf:
"Obrigatoriedade de emissão de faturas
(entrada em vigor a 1 de janeiro de 2013)
A emissão de fatura passará a ser obrigatória para todas as transmissões
de bens e presta
ções de serviços, independentemente da qualidade do adquirente dos bens
ou destinatário
dos serviços e ainda que estes não a solicitem, qualquer que
seja o setor de atividade em
causa (alínea b) do nº 1 do artigo 29º do CIVA)"
On 07/19/2016 03:08 PM, Linus Lüssing wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 02:40:38PM -0400, cmsv wrote:
>> quote:
>> "There was plenty of time since the battlemesh until now for responsible
>> people to take care of that were they ever interested in doing so and
>> making it available."
>> Local organization team was/is responsible for making it available.
>> Do NOT EVER AGAIN twist my words.
> I don't think Filipe did that on purpose. I had to read the
> sentence you quoted + context twice, too.
> Regards, Linus
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