[Battlemesh] call for papers - Dynamic Coalition on Community Connectivity (DC3)

Nicolás Echániz nicoechaniz at altermundi.net
Thu Jun 2 08:06:19 CEST 2016

Hello all,

I wanted to share with you the call for papers for the first report of the DC3[1][2]:


Submissions are due on July 20.
Papers do not need to be original, they can be previously published papers, case studies, etc. that you consider relevant for inclusion in this report.

The report will be presented at the Internet Governance Forum 2016 in Mexico city. It will be a tool to help raise awareness on Community Networks in the IGF and elsewhere.

About the DC3:

Some people in this list are already aware of the existence of the DC3, but I'd like to briefly explain what it is to those that are not aware.

After many attempts at forming a coalition of community networks so we could have a voice in international discussions about matters that affect us, last year after the IGF 2015 in Brazil, a group of people (me amongst them) proposed the creation of such a coalition inside the structure of the IGF.
The coalition was officially accepted a while ago and this will be the first IGF meeting where we have presence. We are organizing a workshop[3] and there will probably also be an off-schedule event co-organized with the Association for Progressive Communications (APC).

We have already participated in a meeting during the Dynamic Spectrum Alliance and we plan to keep taking part of other events where policy is discussed and the Community Networks movement needs to be present.

I want to invite you all to join the mailing list[4] and to take part in this Coalition so we can push forward our initiatives with more effectiveness.

I know this list is mostly technical but I also know every group has people more inclined to the social and political aspect of Community Networking, so, please forward this message to those people in your own groups if they are not subscribed to this list :)

Also consider joining as individuals, researchers or as companies working with related technologies. The groups is multi-stakeholder, as is every group in the IGF.


[1] https://www.intgovforum.org/cms/175-igf-2015/3014-dynamic-coalition-on-community-connectivity-dc3#introduction
[2] https://dc3.libre.social/
[3] https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/DC3_Workshop_Proposal_IGF_2016
[4] https://listas.altermundi.net/mailman/listinfo/dc3

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