[Battlemesh] modifying linux wifi kernel-modules for ham-radio use

Kristoff kristoff at skypro.be
Fri Mar 4 19:32:24 CET 2016

Hi Leonardo,

On 04-03-16 13:22, Leonardo Taborda wrote:

> Did you check this?

That forum is mostly about using ready-to-use devices. Not that interesting.

I am more intrested in really understanding how something really works 
and hacking a linux-kernel has already taught me a lot on how wifi 
really works.

  I use the mt7610u in combination with AC600 wifidongles (like these; 
but the kernel is quite complex (and probaby overkill for a ham-radio 
mesh network).

So if somebody has already done the same exercise and used a USB-based 
wifi dongle for mesh-networking on 5 Ghz, I would really be interested.

Does anybody know of not to expensive 5 Ghz wifi-dongles that have a 
SMA-connector or some other way to connect an external antenna?


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