[Battlemesh] Open Router Alternatives (Was: Chilling effect - Lockdown (FCC/EU))

Paige Peterson ioptio at riseup.net
Mon Mar 14 16:02:58 CET 2016

Well, it was through Twitter. I linked to their tweet in previous
response but they essentially said "if we get backer support we can
build anything the community wants." Their business model of using
crowdsupply (https://www.crowdsupply.com/launch) is much more conducive
to open source hardware instead of the assumed required mega
corporate-sized manufacturing.

At the very least, it seems like they're open to the idea so it's worth
reaching out to them and learning more about their ability to take on
manufacturing routers.

Let me know if I can assist in reaching out to them.

On 14/03/16 15:05, fboehm wrote:
> Am 14.03.2016 um 14:28 schrieb Paige Peterson:
>> Hello - I made a general suggestion for the Purism team who are building
>> the Librem laptops to go into router hardware and they seemed open.
>> Might be worth pursuing a discussion with them?
> Wow, Purism looks like an amazing project. Although I can hardly believe
> the team has currently time for yet another project.
> How exactly did they react on your suggestion?
> Franz
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