[Battlemesh] Ermanno Pietrosemoli, Venezuela and wifi

Maureen Hernandez m.hernandez.g at hotmail.com
Fri Jul 7 22:24:32 CEST 2017

Hey Willi, Ermanno is at ICTP https://www.ictp.it/ His working group is the wireless lab <https://www> http://wireless.ictp.it/


Wireless | T/ICT4D Lab<http://wireless.ictp.it/>
Wireless Solutions for Science. Our Lab organizes training activities, manages projects and carries out research to find the best wireless solutions to support ...

You can get in contact with them there.


Maureen Hernandez / Ingeniero de Sistemas
ISOC <https://www.isocvenezuela.org/> Venezuela

De: battlemesh-bounces at ml.ninux.org <battlemesh-bounces at ml.ninux.org> en nombre de willi uebelherr <willi.uebelherr at riseup.net>
Enviado: viernes, 07 de julio de 2017 04:19:46 p.m.
Para: FSFla discuss
Cc: Quiliro Ordonez; Battlemesh list; Franz Nahrada
Asunto: [Battlemesh] Ermanno Pietrosemoli, Venezuela and wifi

Bringing Internet to Venezuela's Remote Regions
Ermanno Pietrosemoli, 11.05.2017

Ermanno Pietrosemoli has set a new record for the longest communication
Wi-Fi link
by Michael Kanellos, 18.06.2017

Dear Quiliro, dear friends,

Ermanno live in Merida in Venezuela and worked at the ULA. He act in the
"Escuela de Redes". In this time, i lived in Merida and want connect to
him, he stay in Italy.

Now he create a WiFi connection over 382 km. 3 Mb, not much. But maybe
much better and cheaper then the satelite "Simon Bolivar".

I have no connection to him and don't know, where he is working. He act
also at the university in Trier in Germany.

The core seems to be the antenna construction. Maybe, you are more
intersted and find a connection to him. With Google Serach (or other)
"Ermanno Pietrosemoli" you find many interesting information.

And please, report it in the FSFla list. I am sure, there are many
people with interest for them.

many greetings, willi
Asuncion, Paraguay

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