[Battlemesh] WIFI4EU : Common letter open for signature

Félix Tréguer ft at laquadrature.net
Mon May 22 10:23:19 CEST 2017

Below, another policy initiative readers of this list might be
interested in joining. But the letter will have to be sent tomorrow at
the latest...

Shorter: https://pad.lqdn.fr/p/wifi4eu-netcommons-letter



-------- Forwarded Message --------

----- Forwarded message from Christopher Talib <ct at laquadrature.net>

From: Christopher Talib <ct at laquadrature.net>
Subject: WIFI4EU : Common letter open for signature

Dear all,

As we discussed earlier this month, we are going to send a common letter
from community networks to EU institutions concerning the WIFI4EU
regulation. WIFI4EU
) is an initiative announced last year by President Juncker in his
"State of the Union" speech in Strasbourg. To deliver on this promise
"to equip every European village and every city with free wireless
Internet ac­cess around the main centres of public life by 2020", the EU
will unleash 120 million between by 2017-2019 to roll out WiFi hotspots
in at least 6,000 to 8,000 local communities.

This initiative is laudable however, big telco companies want to ensure
their monopolies through by leave smaller actors apart of it. Plus, few
amendements are might open breaches of privacy by allowing the use of
personal data of users using those networks.

***This letter is open for signatures untill Sunday 21 May midnight***.
We will send it on Monday 22 May, few days before the trialogue meetings
that will take place on the 29.

The letter is here : https://pad.lqdn.fr/p/wifi4eu-netcommons-letter

Do not hesitate to add or comment anything that looks unclear to you.



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