[Battlemesh] WBMv11 Rcon Report

senthil kumar sentenwin at gmail.com
Thu Jan 18 08:48:53 CET 2018

 Thanks a lot excited to attend this year Battlemesh too.
On Thu, 11 Jan 2018 at 11:47 AM, Iwan Flameling <iwanovich at gmail.com> wrote:

> Awesome work, looking forward!
> Mesh is in the air :)
> 2018-01-09 11:02 GMT+01:00 Nefeli Kousi <nefeli.kousi at gmail.com>:
>> Thanks a lot!!
>> And happy new year!
>> On 8 January 2018 at 16:55, Filipe Borges Teixeira <
>> filipebteixeira at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> As mentors of the WBMv11 edition, Claudio, Filipe, and Paul have
>>> traveled to Berlin in Germany from December 1-3, 2017 for the traditional
>>> reconnaissance mission, where we met the local team. This is the recon
>>> report with the main conclusions.
>>> * Main event description *
>>> As there is a big intersection of participants between the Wireless
>>> Battlemesh and Wireless Community Weekend, the idea for this year's edition
>>> is to join the forces and co-locate the two events, organizing them under a
>>> common umbrella, the "Wireless Mesh-Up". We have been working with the
>>> local team to create a rough schedule and see the best way to combine the
>>> characteristics of the two events.
>>> * Scheduling *
>>> Since we have put the two events together and keeping the same one-week
>>> WBM structure, we precede the Wireless Community weekend, which was already
>>> scheduled for 11th to 13th of May. Therefore the WBMv11 edition, together
>>> with WCW 2018 will happen from 7-13 May 2018.
>>> * Location *
>>> Since the WBMv11 will be co-located with WCW 2018, we will keep the
>>> c-base space station, Berlin, Terra as the event location. We have visited
>>> the space station to check if space was enough to fit in the targeted 100
>>> people peak. Although space can be a little short on peak times, we believe
>>> there should be enough space during the week: we are free to use the main
>>> room, the Ceminarroom, the outdoor garden and other small spaces at ground
>>> level and at the lower level. Beverages are available on site and Barbeque
>>> will happen from Friday to Sunday. During the week there will be different
>>> food options, whether on-site or nearby. We have confirmed the sponsorship
>>> from Förderverein freie Netzwerke e.V. that covers the room costs so far.
>>> * Internet Access *
>>> c-base is a fundamental node of Berlin's Freifunk network, so we expect
>>> no issues here.
>>> * Accommodation *
>>> Two different facilities were visited: hotel meininger at ostbahnhof and
>>> City-Stay hostel. They offer triple rooms and 4-bed dorms at affordable
>>> prices. Both locations were close to c-base by public transports. An
>>> accommodation package is under negotiation and should remain under 200 EUR.
>>> * Social Events *
>>> Social events are planned to happen from Wednesday - Friday. We have
>>> discussed some ideas, but the local team will provide more details closer
>>> to the event.
>>> * Travel *
>>> Berlin is very well connected with flights, from low-cost companies to
>>> legacy ones in two international airports: Tegel Airport (TXL) and
>>> Schönefeld Airport (SXF). Public transport (train) is available between
>>> airports and city center.
>>> * Cost estimation *
>>> We estimate the accommodation package to cost around 150-200 euros.
>>> There is no registration fee.
>>> *Local organization*
>>> The local core team consists of Monic Meisel, with helping hands of
>>> Andi, Cven, and others from Freifunk community The local team was very
>>> helpful and motivated, with a lot of logistic details taken care already.
>>> Recon photos available on
>>> http://downloads.battlemesh.org/WBMv11/recon_mission
>>> Further details will be given during the official announcement that will
>>> happen within some weeks. Stay tuned!
>>> Mesh Is In The Air!
>>> On behalf of the recon team and local organizers of WBMv11,
>>> Wishing you a happy new year,
>>> Filipe Borges Teixeira
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Thanks and Regards,

*  •  **Senthilkumar M*

*  •  **Community Manager,*

*  •  **Google Developer Group Madurai*  *,*

  *•  **Mentor, Metoomentor.org*
*  •  allaboutsenthil.in <http://allaboutsenthil.in>*
  •  +91 8095207092
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