[Bologna] Fwd: [lime-dev] dhcp static leases
xthegamerx a gmail.com
Gio 2 Ott 2014 18:53:05 CEST
Gestione indirizzi statici su LiMe.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Pau <pau a dabax.net>
Date: Thu, Oct 2, 2014 at 6:46 PM
Subject: Re: [lime-dev] dhcp static leases
To: dev a lists.libre-mesh.org
The dhcp lease file is synchronized in all nodes to make the L2 roaming
possible. So a static DHCP lease must be configured in all the mesh
nodes to make it truly static. However if the server/computer is not
moving and it is always attached to the same LiMe node, you can set up a
static DHCP lease in the node. You can do that from the LUCI web
interface if you have the packet "lime-webui", if not you can do it
manually using UCI http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/uci/dhcp
On 02/10/14 13:09, Luca Postregna wrote:
> Hi, is there a way to configure dhcp static leases in libre-mesh firmware?
> Which is the right dnsmasq setup?
> Thanks
> LP
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