[Bologna] Fwd: [koruza] Shuttleworth Fellowship
xthegamerx a gmail.com
Ven 6 Mar 2015 11:08:54 CET
Aggiornamenti da KORUZA, continuo a pensare che questo progetto meriti
attenzione, sarebbe bello tenerlo a mente nel caso dovessero partire
le collaborazioni sperate col mondo accademico;)
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Musti <musti a wlan-si.net>
Date: Thu, Mar 5, 2015 at 8:59 PM
Subject: [koruza] Shuttleworth Fellowship
To: koruza a wlan-si.net
I am extremely excited to share this news with you, as this is a
significant milestone in the future of KORUZA. I have been awarded
Shuttleworth Foundation Fellowship, enabling me to focus on development
of KORUZA full-time and bring it to you all as soon as possible.
See the blog on the Institute IRNAS website, where I will be posting
updates on progress from now on weekly:
Announcements on Shuttleworth foundation website:
This is definitely an opportunity to explain where we are at with KORUZA
and why the sources are not yet available.
1) Last fall launched World Wide KORUZA experiment is slowly progressing
with experimental currently in various stages of deployment.
Experimental results seen so far look very promising:
The three currently operational links show good performance and various
susceptibility to thermal expansion and thus mis-alignment. There are
two courses of action taken to mitigate this effects: improving the
mechanical stability and the mounting system (in progress by the team in
Czech republic, update shortly) and auto-alignment algorithm currently
in development
2) Documenting KORUZA is far more challenging then expected and is thus
taking quite longer. Currently we have revisited the documentation
methodology and putting everything in place to finish the documentation
and bill of materials. This will be followed by documenting the assembly
Would be anyone with experience on creating XSLT stylesheets and
visualizing XML data willing to help?
3) In parallel with this the calibration tool based on NIR pixel has
been developed https://github.com/IRNAS/NIRpixel which will enable
simple adjustment of the focus of the IR optical beam as well as
calibrating the green laser to be parallel with the IR beam.
The calibration tool uses a ESP8266 WiFi module for connectivity, anyone
playing with these modules and interested in helping out?
Kind regards,
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