[Bologna] Fwd: [lime-dev] downloads.libre-mesh.org activated again

ThEgAmEr xthegamerx a gmail.com
Mer 13 Lug 2016 17:41:50 CEST

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: p4u <pau a dabax.net>
Date: Wed, Jul 13, 2016 at 3:39 PM
Subject: [lime-dev] downloads.libre-mesh.org activated again
To: dev a lists.libre-mesh.org

After working and testing lime-build, I think we can publish again the
link to http://downloads.libre-mesh.org. I've tested (also Ilario) the
resulting images and they work fine.

Good point is that now we have many more targets (routers) available.
I've even tested different architectures such as x86 (which works fine)
and RAMIPS (which does not work fine in Ad-Hoc but it does in 802.11s mode).

We can discuss this deeper in some IRC meeting, but I would like to
invite all developers to use lime-build (¿again?) for releasing stable
versions of libre-mesh and for keeping develop working for everyone.


Dev mailing list
Dev a lists.libre-mesh.org
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