[Bologna] LibreMesh community wifi

Roland Wells roland a hellohub.org
Ven 24 Ago 2018 11:36:49 CEST

Hello all. I'm working with a community initiative in Nigeria who would
like to implement a community-wide wifi network. I'm looking at LibreMesh
as a possible solution. Nodes would be solar powered, and would share
connection to public internet through only a couple gateways.

I understand (from libremesh-users) that you are implementing LibreMesh in
NinuxBO and I'm wondering if anyone interested in connecting to share
experience / knowledge. I'm looking for recommendations on hardware, as
well as your experience in throughput over the mesh and number of active
users at a time.

I'm located in Verona and could easily come to Bologna to meet-up.

With best regards.

Roland Wells
Founder http://hellohub.org | http://kruufm.com

(apologies for the cross posting for those subscribed to libremesh-users.)
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