[Ninux-Calabria] [Nodeshot] Nodeshot v1: links drawing logic

Stefano De Carlo stefanauss a gmail.com
Gio 13 Feb 2014 14:28:09 CET

Il 13/02/2014 14:06, Nemesis ha scritto:
> @Stefanauss, is there anybody there in Cosenza who can write python
> code and/or understands a bit about networking?
> We'll have to start to rewrite the component which reads the topology
> and writes the data into the DB, it would be appropiate if we did it
> together over the next 2 months.
> We could do some remote hackatons to build this component.
> Federico

Hi Federico,

Peppe and Spax know their way around Python and at least Peppe is
familiar with Django.
I'm forwarding this to the Calabria list so everybody can join in.

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