[Ninux-Calabria] AirOS v5.5.8 Changelog: addio Compliance Test Mode
Stefano De Carlo
stefanauss a gmail.com
Lun 27 Gen 2014 16:17:18 CET
Positivi e negativi e neutri di nostro potenziale interesse
+ Le M5 al freddo pare si comportino male, ma è un fix hw o sw?
+ Security Fix SSH
= Download automatico aggiornamenti
- Niente più compliance test mode.
NOTES: http://community.ubnt.com/t5/airMAX-Updates-Blog/airOS-v5-5-8-Released/ba-p/694595
DOWNLOAD: http://www.ubnt.com/download
Regulatory updates:
- New: Regulatory changes for Greece
- New: Regulatory changes for Thailand
- New: Add Croatia under EU regulatory rules
- New: Split Serbia and Montenegro
- New: Remove Compliance Test mode
- New: Lock selected country for all EU countries/Switzerland. Reset to factory defaults is required to order to change country
- New: Available frequency list is updated for UK when operating in 30MHz channel width
- airMax: Rate drops when using narrow channel widths on AP with more than 30 clients
- Ethernet: Ethernet negotiation issues after ESD damage
- NanoBridge M5: Cold temperature issues
- Fix: DFS frequencies are not functional for Canada (Rocket M5 Titanium)
- Fix: Possible fix for unexpected AP reboots
- Fix: Auto IP Address generation for MAC addresses ending with FF:FF and 00:00
- Fix: SSL server accepts weak ciphers
- Fix: SSH server (dropbear) update to version v2013.58
- Fix: Disabling DHCP server leaves dnsmasq running
- WEB UI: Automatic FW download from web site
- WEB UI: Validate location coordinates
- WEB UI: Copyright updates
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