[ninux-Firenze] Fwd: Re: [IS4CWN] DYI Networking Seminars - deadline extension

Leonardo mail at leonardo.ma
Thu Feb 26 01:02:48 CET 2015

On 02/25/2015 06:34 PM, Nemesis wrote:
> Sapevate che fanno sta roba a Firenze?
> Nemesis

oltre a mandargli un paper stiamo pensando di organizzare qualcosa con
Pana (uno degli organizzatori) sulle reti comunitarie. se ne viene fuori
qualcosa vi tengo informati...


> -------- Forwarded Message --------
> Subject: 	Re: [IS4CWN] DYI Networking Seminars - deadline extension
> Date: 	Wed, 25 Feb 2015 18:31:25 +0100
> From: 	Panayotis Antoniadis <panayotis.antoniadis at gmail.com>
> Reply-To: 	International Summit for Community Wireless Networks
> Participant E-mail List <cwn-summit at lists.chambana.net>
> To: 	cwn-summit at lists.chambana.net
> Hi all,
> Just to let you know that the submission deadline for the DIY networking
> workshop
> in Florence has been extended to March 7th.
> Here is the detailed CFP:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Call for papers
> Interdisciplinary workshop on Do-It-Yourself networking
> May 18-19th, Florence, Italy, co-located with Mobisys 2015
> Web site: http://diynetworking.net/
> Hosting conference: http://www.sigmobile.org/mobisys/2015/
> Wireless technology enables today the creation of local offline
> networks, which can operate outside the public Internet. Even when the
> Internet is easily accessible, such local wireless networks form an
> interesting alternative, autonomous, option for communication, which 1)
> ensures that all connected devices are in de facto physical proximity,
> 2) offers opportunities and novel capabilities for creative combinations
> of virtual and physical contact, 3) enables free, anonymous and easy
> access, without the need for pre-installed applications or any
> credentials, and 4) can create feelings of ownership and independence,
> and lead to the appropriation of the hybrid space in the long-run.
> In other words, local wireless networks provide the technological means
> for more participatory processes, benefiting from the grassroots
> engagement of citizens in implementing the smart city vision through
> novel forms of social networking, crowd sourcing, and citizen science.
> But for these possibilities to be materialized there are many practical,
> social, political, and economic challenges that need to be addressed,
> and which require the involvement of researchers and practitioners from
> different fields and backgrounds.
> This workshop wishes to build on a recent interdisciplinary Dagstuhl
> seminar on "Do-It-Yourself networking", http://www.dagstuhl.de/14042 ,
> which brought together a highly diverse group of researchers,
> practitioners, and activists to reflect on related technological and
> social issues. We made a first step to bridge the communication gap
> between those that build the technology (computer scientists, engineers,
> and hackers) and those that understand better the complex urban
> environment where this technology will be deployed (social and political
> scientists, urban planners, designers, and artists), as described in our
> final report: http://diynetworking.net/dagstuhl_report_14042.pdf
> The main objective of this workshop is to make one more step to bridge
> this gap in the engineering domain, beyond wishful thinking, and
> establish a series of similar workshops on the topic of DIY networking
> to be hosted every year in a different venue. So, in the 1st
> Interdisciplinary Workshop on DIY Networking at the Mobisys 2015
> Conference, we invite 1) technical contributions that render DIY
> networking technology easier to be understood and used by less
> technically savvy people, and 2) theoretical contributions regarding the
> various inherent trade-offs in the design of DIY networks, which can
> help to build common understandings of the relationships between
> engineering decisions, design constraints and requirements, policies,
> and social impacts.
> The workshop will include a special interdisciplinary session, as an
> experiment, which will facilitate the participation of a more diverse
> audience than typically observed in engineering conferences like
> Mobisys. For this session, we will invite the presentation of working
> prototypes of mature DIY networking frameworks, novel application ideas
> by designers and social scientists, and short tutorials on important
> concepts such as power, privacy, self-organization, space, and
> community, in light of the application of such technology in urban
> settings.
> For the technical programme, topics of interest include, but are not
> limited to:
> - Previous or novel technical contributions in the area of DIY
> networking targeted for an interdisciplinary audience.
> - Holistic design approaches (infrastructure, protocols, applications,
> deployment plans).
> - User interfaces and usability both for administrators and users.
> - Modelling and analysis of the trade-offs related to privacy, security,
> performance, and more.
> - Social studies on the use of local networks operating outside the
> public Internet, like the recent example of Firechat in Hong Kong.
> - Theoretical studies of the interdisciplinary challenges around the
> design and deployment of DIY networks.
> For the special interdisciplinary session, we welcome the following
> types of contributions:
> - Demos of working prototypes of DIY networking applications or systems.
> - Posters or design mock-ups of imaginary applications.
> - Accounts of real-life deployments and experimentation and future
> imaginaries.
> - Short papers introducing and/or analyzing important concepts that can
> facilitate interdisciplinary collaborations.
> Submission
> Submitted papers for the technical programme should follow the format of
> the Mobisys conference (6 pages maximum). For the special
> interdisciplinary session, submissions should be limited to 2 pages,
> without a predefined format. More details for the submission procedure
> are available at http://diynetworking.net/submission.php
> Important Dates
> Submission deadline: March 7, 2015, 11:59 PM EST
> Notification deadline: March 22, 2015
> Camera-ready workshop papers due: April 2, 2015
> DIY networking Workshop at MobiSys 2015: May 18-19, 2015
> Workshop chairs
> Panayotis Antoniadis (ETH Zurich & nethood.org, CH)
> Jon Crowcroft (University of Cambridge, UK)
> Jörg Ott (Aalto University, FI)
> Keynote speakers
> Paul Dourish (University of California ­ Irvine, US)
> Michael Smyth (Edinburgh Napier University, GB)
> Programme Committee
> Mostafa Ammar (GeorgiaTech, US)
> Ileana Apostol, (nethood.org, CH)
> Elizabeth Belding (University of California  Santa Barbara, US)
> Ian Brown (Oxfrod University, UK)
> Efraín Foglia (mobilitylab & guifi.net, ES)
> Marcus Foth (Queensland University of Technology, AU)
> Tristan Henderson (University of St. Andrews, UK)
> Pan Hui (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, HK)
> Karin Anna Hummel (ETH Zurich, CH)
> George Iosifidis (University of Thessaly, GR)
> Jussi Kangasharju (University of Helsinki, FI)
> Renato lo Cigno (University of Trento, IT)
> Anders Lindgren (Swedish Institute of Computer Science ­ Kista, SE)
> Leandro Navarro (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, ES)
> Melanie Du Long de Rosnay (CNRS, FR)
> Leonardo Maccari (University of Trento, IT)
> Francesca Musiani (CNRS, FR)
> Sarfraz Nawaz (University of Cambridge, UK)
> Antti Oulasvirta (Aalto University, FI)
> Andrea Passarella (CNR Pisa, IT)
> Andreea Hossmann-Picu (University of Bern, CH)
> Peter Reichl (University of Vienna, AT)
> Amalia Sabiescu (Coventry University, UK)
> Arjuna Sathiaseelan (Cambridge University, UK)
> Andreas Unteidig (Berlin University of the Arts, DE)
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> On 05.02.2015 16:51, Panayotis Antoniadis wrote:
>> Hi all!
>> I wanted to write to this list since (very) long time and thanks to
>> Emmanuel
>> I found now a good excuse :-)
>> So, I am one of the organizers of this workshop on "DIY networking"
>> and my personal interest on this subject is to make such technology
>> as easy to install and customize, and empower local actors to organize
>> interactions between people in physical proximity (in neighbourhoods
>> and public spaces), outside the public Internet.
>> But why "outside the Internet" is not an easy question to answer and
>> I believe that we (scientists from different disciplines, engineers,
>> hackers,
>> activists, artists, and citizens) need to join forces if we want to
>> compete
>> with the big tech corporations for empowering citizens to get more
>> control over their (local) communications and data.
>> This workshop is co-located with at a well-known engineering conference,
>> and thus subject to its policies, where the focus is more on the
>> technological
>> and scientific perspective. But we have made an effort to bring people
>> outside this community that work in similar and/or complementary problems
>> in order to exchange ideas and experiences, and establish collaborations.
>> For this, we are experimenting with an "special interdisciplinary
>> session", which
>> welcomes short (2-pages) contributions with free format, demos, and more.
>> (see http://diynetworking.net/cfp.php). And yes, experiences from this
>> community
>> would be really valuable and you are very welcome to submit and present
>> your work!
>> Btw, next Wednesday I will be at CBase in Berlin if there are people
>> around
>> that would be interested to chat about this "local only" perspective for
>> community wireless networks (see also this recently established e-mail
>> list: http://librelist.com/browser/off.networks/ )
>> Looking forward to meeting you in Florence (or elsewhere)!
>> Panayotis Antoniadis
>> http://www.tik.ee.ethz.ch/~pantonia/
>> http://nethood.org
>> On 24.01.2015 17:01, Emmanuel Baccelli wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> In case this escaped your radar: scanning though this report from the
>>> recent Dagstuhl seminar on Do-It-Yourself (DYI) networking, I thought
>>> it could be relevant
>>> here: http://diynetworking.net/dagstuhl_report_14042.pdf
>>> Moreover, in case some of you are interested in talking about your
>>> own experience, there is an upcoming workshop at ACM Mobisys 2015,
>>> where you could submit a short paper and come talk about
>>> it http://diynetworking.net/cfp.php. 
>>> (I am not one of the organizers, but I think sharing some of your
>>> experience would be interesting and very relevant in this context).
>>> Cheers,
>>> Emmanuel
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>>> CWN-Summit at lists.chambana.net
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>>> http://www.wirelesssummit.org
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