[ninux-dev] GSoC 14 proposal for netengine in the organisation Freifunk

Aditya Sarode aditya1sarode at gmail.com
Thu Mar 13 15:11:00 CET 2014

I would like to apply for netengine in the organisation Freifunk for GSoC.
Before submitting my application, I would like to take valuable inputs for
the same.


*About me*
I am Aditya Sarode, an undergraduate student pursuing Computer Engineering
from Pune Institute of Computer Technology. I am currently in my Sophomore

*Contact Information*

*Email*: aditya1sarode at gmail.com
*IRC nick*: asdoc
*Github*: https://github.com/asdoc

I am interested in contributing to the netengine as a part of GSOC.

*Why netengine?*

I know the basics of networking and I am interested in exploring more about
it. Also, this will be my first contribution to an open source project, so
I am looking forward for it.

*Previous Experience*

I have worked with languages like C, C++, java, python and libraries like
Qt and Django.
I have been working with Python since the past year. I have contributed in
making a multiplayer typing game, https://github.com/asdoc/SwiftTyper
and a basic java messenger, https://github.com/asdoc/Simple-Messenger.
I also was selected for the ACM ICPC regionals held at IIT Kharagpur,
December 2013.


I have recently started studying the code of netengine and have made two
pull requests, https://github.com/nemesisdesign/netengine/pull/13 and
https://github.com/nemesisdesign/netengine/pull/12. I am currently figuring
out a way to have testing machines with AirOS, OpenWRT and EdgeOS installed.

*The Plan*

The project requires to implement missing methods or improving current
methods for extracting information from AirOS, OpenWRT and EdgeOS from SSH,
SNMP and HTTP protocol.


For better execution of the project, a tentative timeline to follow could

*Week 1*

Setting up the testing environment, getting hardware capable of supporting
the required operating systems for testing or finding testing machines on
public IP addresses.

*Week 2*

Understanding the communication between the testing machine and the program
via various protocols and researching more about the system calls and other
required libraries to extract information from the testing machine.

*Week 3 - Week 5*

Implementing/improving missing methods in SSH for AirOS and OpenWRT. And
adding the SSH module for EdgeOS.

*Week 6 - Week 7*

Implementing/improving missing methods in SNMP for AirOS and OpenWRT.

*Week 8 - Week 10*

Creating the HTTP modules for AirOS and for OpenWRT via the JSON API

*Week 11 - Week 12*

Testing, fixing bugs, documenting changes.

*Week 13*

Buffer period, scope for improvements.

*After GSoC*

I would like to contribute more to the project in terms of adding support
for more protocols for EdgeOS, and even more in the coming future.
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